Dr. Mechelle Moore is a published author, entrepreneur and identity consultant. She has
demonstrated the ability to provide advocacy, mentorship and impactful consultations. Dr.
Moore’s ability to advocate, rebuild and realign her own identity through Kingdom principles
and surrendering to discovery her own uniqueness is testament of true resiliency. She is equipped
professionally and personally to provide individualized and group consultations created with
each person’s identity in mind.
She obtained her Doctorate of Divinity Degree majoring in fourconcentrations, biblical studies,
women’s ministries, counseling and prophetic ministry graduating summa cum laude (2019) from
Living Faith School of Ministry. Certification as a Master Certified Life and Spiritual Coach obtained
from Kingdom Perspective Institute of Professional Coaching and Training (2020). She has a
Master’s Degree from Liberty University in Human Services Counseling majoring in three
concentrations; life Coaching, addictions recovery and child; family; A Bachelor of Social work
degree from University of Illinois @ Springfield, IL. She is also an ordained Minister (1995),
Evangelist (2002), and OrdainedProphet (2008).
She has overcome many obstacles and levels of abuse at different phases of her
life that arrested her purpose for many years. These life altering experiences qualified her
and ignited a desire to see others struggling with their identities become themselves
without permission of those who restricted them. She is known as the “Identity Architect.”
Permission2BYou Consulting was established in (2017) and soon after became an LLC
(2020). In 2021 Re- EstablishHer Institute & Partnership, an outreach ministry to facilitate
a beyond the traditional approach and outside the four walls of the church to provide
women from all walks a life an atmosphere free to unmask their pain, release their shame.
The next phase is a triage clinic entitled, “Re-EstablishHer Triage Clinic. She is definitely
a hidden gem assigned to a remnant broken, but not destroyed.